Tsoknyi Gechak Ling

Tsoknyi Gechak Ling was established in the spring of 2010 with approximately 32 nuns and has since grown to house over 150 nuns. Tsoknyi Gechak Ling is the only nunnery practicing in the Tsoknyi Lineage outside of Tibet. Over the past years many Tsoknyi Gechak nuns came from Tibet to Nepal. Some returned to Tibet and some stayed in Nepal, and the nunnery took responsibility for the care of those who stayed behind.  Located in the ancient hilltop village of Chobhar, just outside Kathmandu.

Rinpoche is committed to developing the nuns to become teachers, meditation instructors and Buddhist scholars.  To this end, the Gechak Ling has incorporated a shedra, a 3-year retreat centre, and a school.

Tsoknyi Gechak Ling Shedra

Today the Tsoknyi Gechak Ling Shedra  (Buddhist monastic college) provides a 9-year comprehensive Buddhist Education Programme.  The first class group graduated in the spring of 2020, while the second group completed their studies in 2021. This comprehensive programme continues to provide a solid foundation in Buddhist philosophy and practice for future generations of practitioners.

Pema Chödrön Drubde: A Three-Year Retreat Facility

The Pema Chödrön Drubde at Tsoknyi Gechak Ling is a three-year retreat facility for the nuns. It provides a space for dedicated practice and spiritual growth. It includes a shrine room and individual rooms for each practitioner. The first group of seven nuns began their retreat in the spring of 2017.

In March 2020, seven nuns completed the first 3-year traditional retreat at Pema Chodron Drubde. These nuns have now followed the same tradition as the Tsoknyi Lineage nuns of Gechak in Nangchen in Kham, Tibet.
